Micro moment – Kelsey

8th Floor, Oncology,
Teck Acute Care Centre,
BC Children’s Hospital
Sept. 24, 2022, 2:30 PM

“It’s been a busy day—as most are, it’s never a dull moment—but one cool thing happened today. Two teenage patients came in to get their ports removed because they are done treatment and in remission.

The kids get some pretty harsh treatments that make them sick, and yet they walk out, bouncing down the hallway, going on to live healthy teenage lives.

Whenever anybody asks me about my job, they always say, ‘Wow, how can you do that? It must be so hard.’ What I say to them is that the good days outweigh the bad days.

Even on the bad days, you’re working with kids—and they’re so resilient. They still smile through those bad days. So how can you not?”

— Kelsey, RN, Oncology, Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant outpatient clinic


This article was originally featured in the Fall 2022 issue of Shine magazine.

Shine Fall 2022 | Download the PDF