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Please note that we are currently processing our annual tax receipts for monthly donors. If you are a monthly donor, you can expect to receive them in the mail by the end of March.
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Our reception is open Monday to Friday, between 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Would you like a presentation cheque prepared?
We would be happy to prepare a large cheque for photos for when you drop of your donation. To confirm a date and time, please contact as at 604-449-6333 or
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Contact Us
Call us: 604.449.6333 or toll-free 1.833.315.2133.
- Phones are available Monday to Friday, between 8:30am to 4:30pm.
For media inquiries, please email
Our location and mailing address
Vancouver – Main Office
BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
938 West 28th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5Z 4H4
Reception is available Monday to Friday, between 8:30am to 4:30pm.

BC Children's is the only hospital in the province devoted exclusively to children

kids visited the hospital for specialized pediatric services last year

researchers on our campus work tirelessly to discover new treatments
Overcoming remarkable odds
"Blayke may never be able to conquer Turner syndrome fully, but she fights every day to make sure it doesn’t stop her from being her." — Cassandra, Blayke's mom
Blayke's story
Our priorities
More than a million kids count on BC Children's Hospital. We're on a quest to transform health care for all of them.
Learn moreYour impact
Donors like you are the reason we can aim higher for our kids. Discover the successes that you’ve made possible.
Learn more