Volunteers are an important part of our family. They help advance our work in all kinds of ways, from selling tickets to supporting our team with important administration tasks.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our daily lives, volunteering is also experiencing changes. Some opportunities are on hold until events can start again, while other initiatives have become virtual as we continue to self-isolate and practice social distancing. As a result, there are limited opportunities for volunteers at this time.
We are so grateful for all applications to support us—however, due to COVID-19, we are experiencing a slower pace than usual in reviewing applications. We appreciate your patience during this time.
If you wish to volunteer, please follow the steps below.
第1步: 加入我們的社區
第2步: 找合適的崗位
第3步: 開始義工工作
欲瞭解更多資訊,請發送電子郵件至 donorservices@bcchf.ca 或致電604.875.2444。

BC Children's is the only hospital in the province devoted exclusively to children

kids visit the hospital for specialized pediatric services each year

researchers on our campus work tirelessly to discover new treatments
Overcoming remarkable odds
"Blayke may never be able to conquer Turner syndrome fully, but she fights every day to make sure it doesn’t stop her from being her." — Cassandra, Blayke's mom
Blayke's story
Our priorities
More than a million kids count on BC Children's Hospital. We're on a quest to transform health care for all of them.
Learn moreYour impact
Donors like you are the reason we can aim higher for our kids. Discover the successes that you’ve made possible.
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